Resmo SaaS Discovery | Encaurage secure SaaS adoption for your employees

Resmo offers Continuous Cloud & SaaS asset visibility and security for modern software teams.

Resmo has introduced SaaS Discovery feature in their product.

What is Resmo SaaS Discovery?

Find out which SaaS apps your employees use, find security problems like weak passwords, unauthorised access, and MFA not being turned on, and then get alerts to fix them. SaaS Discovery is free for as many employees as you have.

Key Features

1.Resmo uses native integrations with more than 70 tools and a browser extension for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox to find SaaS usage and logins, including Shadow IT.

2.Discover out how employees are accessing SaaS products, uncover SaaS security risks, and assist them in utilising apps securely, all with the assistance of your IT and security staff.

3.Deliver direct notifications to employees with security issues to assist them in utilising SaaS securely.

4.Check whether employees are using strong, unique passwords and whether they have the appropriate permissions set.

5.Gain a transparent, comprehensive overview of every app your firm uses, including last logins, MFA, risk levels, activity status, applicable rules, user information, and more.

6.Identify login methods such as SSO and password login in addition to browser information.

7.Map employees with the apps they use, the associated security risks, and the assets they possess.

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